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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
NEWSHA +cogwheel 7
NEWTECH +cogwheel & squares 9
NG INDIA +man & cogwheel 9
NG NANDINI GEARS +cogwheel 7
NGI +cogwheel hand & hammer 12
NI NAVYA +cogwheel 12
NIEM +cogwheel & plants 16
NIF +cogwheel 6, 7, 20
NIFESM +cogwheel 41
NILAMM +cogwheel 41
NIOMI ENERGY +cogwheel arcs 11
NIRMAL PARIWAR +cogwheel 35
NISHA +cogwheel 12
NISHA spares +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 6
NIWT +cogwheel & circles 41
NIZAM supari +cogwheel 31
NKR RAJASREE +cogwheel 31
NLT gears +cogwheel 12
NM +cogwheel & spool 7
NMC +cogwheel 7
NMF +cogwheel & arrows 7
NN +cogwheel 7
NOORUL ISLAM NICE +cogwheel 41
NOP +cogwheel & circle 7, 9
NORD +cogwheel 7, 9
NORSE INFOTECH +cogwheel 42
NORTEK +cogwheel & containe 7, 35
NOT JUSS COFFY +cogwheel 9, 42
NOZAG +cogwheel 7
NSGV +cogwheel & plants 7
NSP +cogwheel 7
NT +cogwheel & circle 42
NTE ATAL +cogwheel 8
NTR +cogwheel 7
NTR +circle & cogwheel 7
NU NIRMAN udyog +cogwheel 9
NUPUR BIOFFER +cogwheel 1
NUTRA-N +arcs & cogwheel 1
NVT +arcs & cogwheel 7
O.M.S.O. +cogwheel triangle 7
OAW +cogwheel 6, 7, 8
OBC +cogwheel 7
OCAB +cogwheel & arcs 17
cogwheel 12
OEKS +cogwheel 12
OGI ORBITER GROUP +cogwheel 37
OGI ORBITER group +cogwheel 12
OJAS +cogwheel 11
OJJUS +cogwheel 16, 42
OJJUS FIDELITY +cogwheel 16, 42
OJJUS MEDICARE +cogwheel 16, 44
OJJUS healthcare +cogwheel 42
OM BHAWNA +cogwheel & circl 5
OM BRAND +cogwheel & ribbon 7
OM METALS +cogwheel & arcs 6
OM SAI +cogwheel 3
OMT +cogwheel 7
ONKAR +cogwheel 7
ONYX +cogwheel & circle 41
OP JEWELLERS +cogwheel 14
cogwheel 42
OPTIGEAR +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 7
ORIENT +plant hand cogwheel 7
ORION GROUP +cogwheel 18, 19, 33
ORION GROUP +cogwheel arrow 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45
OSWAL THREADS 303 +cogwheel 23
cogwheel 23
OTK +cogwheel 7, 35
OUT PERFORM +cogwheel 42
P PACK TECH +cogwheel squar 7
P PADAMAGRO +cogwheel 7, 35
P PARKER +cogwheel & oval 11
P PENGFEI +cogwheel 7
P PRAKASH +cogwheel & squar 7
P PRECISIO SEALS +cogwheel 7
P PREM +cogwheel 7
P PUSHKER +cogwheel 9
P popular +cogwheel 7
P.B ENGG. CORP. +cogwheel 7
P.B ENGG. WORKS +cogwheel 7
P6 GEAR PARTS +cogwheel 12
P6 PEE SIX GEAR +cogwheel 12
P6 gear parts +cogwheel 7
PACK WELL +cogwheel 7
PALLAVI +man & cogwheel 30
PALSER +cogwheel 7
PAMMI +cogwheel 6, 7, 35
PANESAR +cogwheel 7
cogwheel 41
PAPL PANDIT AXLE +cogwheel 12
PARAGON +cogwheel 7
PARKO industries +cogwheel 7
PARMAR +cogwheel 7
PARTAP +soldier & cogwheel 7
cogwheel 37
PAT +cogwheel 12
PAVANI +cogwheel & globe 7
PAWAN HI-TECH +cogwheel 35
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